Monday, August 4, 2014

Howard Stern's Birthday Bash
On January 3st 2014 Howard stern turned 60 years old.  Howard Stern is a shock jock and is known for crazy antics on his radio show.  Every once in awhile for his birthday, Howard has a over the top party.  This past year, Howard had a four hour birthday show on his SiriusXm radio station with celebrities interviews, musical performances, and many comedy acts.  Three months ago, Howard released the video of his four hour bash on his website.  I chose this video for my blog post because I have not seen so many different celebrities and musical acts in one video special before. Even New Jersey's governor Chris Christy stopped by to wish Howard a happy birthday. The only other programs that I can think of which had as many celebrities as Howard Stern's Birthday Bash would be the Oscars.  What set the Oscars apart from Howard Sterns Birthday Bash was the sense of the celebrities letting loose and being them selves.  The other thing that made this stand out to me was that it can be viewed online for free.  Here is an video of the highlights howard stern birthday bash
Jimmy Kimmel hosted the whole show with Train being the house band.  Jimmy Kimmel's ability to keep the show rolling through out the night was second to non.  He introduced acts, supplied satire, and was always eager to hand Howard shots of vodka.  Jimmy Kimmel wasn't the only late night talk show host to attend the party.  Dave Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, and Seth Meyers all attended the show.  They even had a bit where all of the late night talk show hosts were on stage at the same time which has never been done before.  Along with Train, there was many other musical acts including; Rob Zombie, Stephen Tyler, Slash, John Fogerty, Adam Levine, Dave Grohl, Jewel, Bon Jovi, and The Black Keys.  A-list actors also attended the bash.  Robert Downy Jr., David Spade, Tracy Morgan, John Stamos, Johnny Knoxville, Brian Cranston, Sarah Silverman, Jerry Seinfeld, Louis CK, and many others were there.  Howard's Co-host Robin Quivers even got a lap dance from Ryan Phillippe which got many laughs from the audience.  Celebrities weren't the only people attending the show. For months before the show Howard had a sweepstakes, contests, and giveaways for his listeners to attend the show.  Howard received many thanks from his audience for letting them attend the show.  Along with his listeners, Howard had his "Whack Pack' attend the show. Below is a link to the photo gallery of the show.
Howard Stern has been on the radio for more than thirty years.  He started out as a disk jockey and soon turned into a morning talk show host.  Howard got his fame from being a "crazy man" on the radio.  He pushed the limits on censorship with the FCC.  He has been in many fights with the FCC and fought for first amendment rights.  Howard is the self proclaimed "King Of All Media".  I happen to think that this is true.  He has had two best selling books which one was made into a movie. He has also had multiple TV shows including ,The Channel 9 show, The E Network, and is now on Americas Got Talent.  After many years on terrestrial radio, Howard helped put Sirius radio on the map by moving to their radio station.  Howard now has over one million listeners every morning. Some believe that Howard's move to Sirius made the Sirius and XM's merger  possible.
Howard has always been providing his audience with hilarious and entertaining content, but this birthday show was absolutely unique for Howard.  Howard has had Vegas shows, roasts, birthday shows, and concerts. But non of them have had all of the A-list acts and celebrities like this one.  The mixture of comedy acts and musical performances and the sheer number of them made Howard Stern's Birthday Bash one of a kind. There is no other Radio talk show host that has put on a performance like this. Rush Limbaugh, Don Imus, and the Mark and Bryan show has not even come close to the success of the Howard Stern Birthday Bash.  Howard is defiantly a pioneer when it comes to his live shows. 
                                                Howard even invited the famous Tan Mom
The Howard Stern Birthday Bash is important for many reasons.  The musical acts, comedy acts, and the fact that it can be viewed for free will go down in history as one of Howard's best work.  I think that this reflects the trend of people wanting to see mass amounts of celebrities performing after one another like a music festival such as Live Aid or Woodstock.  Obviously the target audience for Howard Stern's Birthday Bash was his listeners. However, I would recommend any music or comedy lover to watch this show. Other than profanity and some sexual humor there was no stereotypes or offensive messages.
The strengths of Howard Stern's Birthday Bash out weighed the weaknesses by a long shot.  The musical performances and the comedy acts were amazing.  The fluid like flow of the show was very amazing also.  There was no delays or interruptions between the entertainment.  It was full of laughs and musical talent all the way through.  The only weakness that I noticed was the too long interview with David Letterman.  The interview lasted for about twenty minuets.  Dave and Howard talked a lot about Dave's life and I found it very boring.  Other than that, the show was amazing.  Howard has done many different things outside of his radio show. The birthday bash was amazing, but I think his movie Private Parts was his best work outside his radio show.  However,  I think that Howard's Birthday Bash will be memorable for the amount of musical acts and comedy acts that were involved. I'm sure that the fans who attended the show will always remember it.  Rolling stone,, TMZ,, and many other have all taken note of the show.  They all admired the show with all of the A-list attendants and performances.  Like I said before I watched the Howard Stern Birthday bash on  The only other Stern show fan is my mother.  She absolutely loved the show.
Howard Stern continues to be a pioneer in media.  He's conquered radio, television, movies, literature, and now live performances.  His Birthday bash will go down in history as one of the best concert/comedy shows.  From Bon Jovi to David Letterman all of the celebrity performances supplied a very entertaining four hours for everyone, even if you don't listen to the Howard Stern show.  If you like music and you like to laugh I would recommend this to you. I have provided the link to the show below.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe I haven't heard about this! Howard Stern has got to be one of my all time favorite celebrity personalities. What an amazing line-up, too! He has a down to earth attitude and a way of viewing the celebrity world that makes him very relatable. With him by my side or showing me the way, I feel like I could jump into the radio or music industry with both feet and no lifejacket and swim just fine.
    We watch America's Got Talent at our house often, and he is by far my favorite judge. His critiques a re so honest, if you get a standing ovation or a bit of praise from him, you can be sure you've earned it.
    Here's a little clip of stuff from a previous season. You can really see his personality.
    I found a clip of his ice bucket challenge for ALS too!
